A New Chapter

A New Chapter

Haria is one of our girls we have helped support through school to be a Mid Wife. Her training was a little over a year and a half and very extensive. I believe she could almost be licensed as an RN in the States. She scored in the top five in the nation of students...
A New Well

A New Well

We will be drilling another well in the village of Busowobi in the next few weeks.  The man that does the drilling of the well comes to survey the area and see where the best possible place is for a well to be dug. He searches for the place where there is the most...


I forgot to mention in my Sunday School post that the second early morning Bible study had three new people come and only two from the previous week that didn’t come back. So in total there was 10 people for the study, which we think is awesome. At the first meeting...

Children’s Weekend

Two weeks ago we started planning a weekend for our American friends that are staying at OVU school to come out and see what we do and spend some time with the village kids. Olivia and Jessica are college students from Shreveport and are here for six weeks working...

Happy Resurrection Day!

“I am the resurrection and the life. Whoever believes in me, though he die, yet shall he live, and everyone who lives and believes in me shall never die. Do you believe this?” (John 11:25-26) I hope and pray everyone has had a good day. We had a wonderful day with the...

Loving God’s Children

Every Sunday we have anywhere from 110-160 children attend Sunday School. On holidays and kids days where we have games and activities we have had as many as five hundred attend. “Train up a child in the way he should go; even when he is old he will not depart from...