A New Chapter
Haria is one of our girls we have helped support through school to be a Mid Wife. Her training was a little over a year and a half and very extensive. I believe she could almost be licensed as an RN in the States. She scored in the top five in the nation of students training to be Mid Wives and was offered a job at the school to teach when she finished. She could either take the teaching job or go on for another year and a half as an intern under licensed clinics or Mid Wife so that she can finish out two more semesters and be able to work on her own. She decided to accept the job only to find they were not going to pay her enough to even pay rent. So she came home defeated. Her mother told us even she cried when Haria had to come home, knowing it would be hard for her to find somewhere locally to get good training. And I know it was hard for Haria to return with no prospects in sight.
But, God always provides! We called a Dr that we had liked so much and is very educated and asked him if he knew of anyone that could help her. He did, he has very good Christian friends with a good clinic willing to take her on as an intern. You could just see the change in her when we told her the news! She is only an hour away, has found an apartment and with our help got everything she needs to start this new chapter in her life. We told her we may never know but that meeting Dr Nelson three years ago may have been for just this time – to help her with this opportunity. Her faithfulness in her walk with the Lord and her obedience and hard work has shown her favor and we are as thrilled for her as we would be for our own children.
Pray for Harria as she starts her internship, that she will get the experience she needs, get connected with a true God fearing and scripture teaching church and put good friends in her life. That was one of the hardest parts of her years of schooling up north, there was so much jealousy that she had no friends and was so lonely most of the time.