Let me ask you, how many people do you know would walk through pouring rain, through mud in the chill of morning to hear the Word of God? I know of Churches in America that cancelled services because of hard rains. It doesn’t matter how much it is raining here, many will walk barefoot through mud to get to Church service. Adults faithfully attend 7 am Bible study.
I am still amazed at the attention and absorption of the stories the little children have. Our teenage girl that tells them Bible stories always asks questions at the end and the answers aren’t just repeating of what they have heard but understanding and a grasp of what the stories are about. And these are children that are six and under. I am always in awe of the work God is doing in their hearts and minds and full of hope for their futures. They spent a few weeks in November memorizing scriptures to recite for a visitor from America. He had to put off the trip but is coming soon. So today the little kids were asked if they remembered any of their scriptures. About ten children under ten remembered!
Please continue to pray for our kids and adults, and our evening services. They started out very big but lately have been few in number.
So shall My word be that goes forth from My mouth; it shall not return to Me void, but it shall accomplish what I please, and it shall prosper in the thing for which I sent it. Isaiah 55:11