Partnership is at the heart of our work. At Our Village, a major goal is to have people coming together from all walks of life and using their resources, strength and passion to struggle together for a better future for this generation. And for generations to come. Partnership implies a team effort, and it helps to avoid misleading connotations attached to traditional words like sponsorship. What sponsorship means in Canada and the U.S. is often very different than what it means in Uganda.
At Our Village we do not follow a sponsorship model, where the donor country is often seen solely as the giver/sender and the sponsored country as the receiver. This can foster an attitude of looking abroad for help and, moreover, builds a dependency mindset. Rather, we prefer a system in which each side can learn from one another in order to forge a better way forward. When we partner with people in Uganda, we are working to build up Ugandans so that they can become the face of leadership as well as role models in their communities.
Like a TED-style talk that strives to influence and inspire, we wanted to share with you why we believe partnership is a way to empower, educate and equip Ugandans to lead. Hear first-hand what partnership means to some of our Ugandan leaders in this video. And, get a glimpse into how partnerships are making a BIG impact in our communities.
The words ‘monthly overhead’ don’t really quicken the pulse or send passion rushing through one’s veins. But, when you take a look into the beautiful mosaic that the Our Village overhead paints, it gives quite a powerful impression. We are so inspired by the conglomerate of people and activities that make up our ‘overhead’.
Thanks to our amazing partners each month, we are able to provide 145 children and their families with access to education, nutrition and healthcare. This includes 52 children who have been able to go on to college, secondary or trades schools. It includes cooking hundreds of meals each day. It includes emergency operations and refuge for people in dire need. It equips us to build quality long-lasting infrastructure in our community (3 school blocks, kitchen, 2 dormitories, multi-purpose lodging, on-site house, latrines, a deep water community well and a community dining/church/hall in construction, all built in the last 3 years). It enables us to buy 27 acres of land (we recently purchased 2 extra acres) that brings on-the-ground income. It is our prayer that it will provide sustainability and resources that pour back into our community to support those in need. It provides the capital for starting up income-generating projects like our tailoring program, agri-business program, Hands of Hope – Primary School, rice income-generating project and nutrition enhancing garden projects.
Our overhead also allows for providing fair salaries to 22 Ugandans each month, enabling them to take care of their families and bring change in their communities and families. The staff are the heroes that the next generation can look up to.